War of the Spheres by B. V. Larson and James Millington

Gray is tasked by the Ministry of Control to aid a scientist’s research that will allow humans to move beyond the solar system, but others want to stop Gray and humanity from moving beyond the barrier.


  • Cast of characters who seem familiar for fans of B. V. Larson
  • Interesting premise for sphere surrounding the solar system
  • Mystery of the sphere and the visitors is interesting


  • Slow start that takes some time to get to the action
  • Story isn’t as engaging as other works
  • Amnesia as a plot device isn’t really interesting

War of the Spheres Review

War of the Spheres by B. V. Larson and James Millington has a decent premise regarding the sphere surrounding the solar system. Who built it, maintains it, and the reason for its existence is a mystery that is intriguing enough to keep readers engaged throughout the book.

But while the mystery surrounding the sphere is intriguing, the story doesn’t provide much in terms of answers. Instead, War of the Spheres is a story akin to one of those escort quests prevalent in all role-playing games. Gray, the protagonist of the story, is tasked by The Watcher to deliver, guard, and see a scientist’s experimental engine test to completion.

Of course, the journey, like all escort quests, is fraught with dangers both domestic and foreign. And maybe like all escort quests, the pacing can be a little uneven, with the beginning of the story a bit slow. However, the conclusion of the quest suggests hints at future adventures that may be more engaging and interesting.

There’s some world-building at the start of the story for readers who want more immersion in science fiction stories. The first half of the book relies on describing a bit of the society that Gray finds himself in, and tidbits of information throughout the book suggest a humanity that has spread itself through the solar system.

As for Gray himself, not much is known about him. He suffers from some sort of amnesia, and it’s this absence of memories and information that makes it difficult to relate to the character. While amnesia may be a convenient plot device that can give characters an air of mystery, it only makes Gray more of a generic soldier character.

Fans of B. V. Larson’s works will find many of the characters familiar: there’s the super brilliant scientist who is misunderstood by everyone around him and is thus abused, beautiful women who succumb to the protagonist’s moves, and the protagonist himself, usually some handsome, strong fighting male. Gray’s indistinct character only makes him appear more like James McGill in Undying Mercenaries.

War of the Spheres by B. V. Larson and James Millington is a decent story that revolves around a mystery that is intriguing enough to capture the reader’s interest and engagement. This first book establishes humanity as species entering the stage of the universe. What humanity encounters and what adventures await are bound to be more interesting in the sequels.

Read reviews of other works by B. V. Larson.