Prince of Kragdon-ah (An Alex Hawk Time Adventure Book 5) by Shawn Inmon

Alex Hawk leads a small band of Kragdon-ah warriors across an ocean to fight against a united empire seeking to conquer all.


  • Resolution to threat posed from last book
  • Series feels as though it can conclude here with most questions answered
  • An epic journey reminiscent of Homer’s Odyssey
  • Many battles


  • Some questions about the white fog and mysterious appearances of strangers

Prince of Kragdon-ah Review

Shawn Inmon’s Prince of Kradgon-ah brings to a conclusion the exciting and suspenseful plot introduced in his previous work, Warrior of Kragdon-ah. And like its predecessors, this story is non-stop action delivered in an exciting and suspenseful manner.

One of the lasting impressions from this story is its parallel to Homer’s Odyssey, the classic Greek epic about Odysseus’ return home after the Trojan War. In the story, Odysseus faces numerous obstacles on his way home, including a battle with Scylla, a six-headed sea monster blocking his progress.

While Alex’s battle is with a monster with fewer heads, it’s no less exciting even if the obstacle almost feels introduced to add some element of danger to the journey across the ocean just because Kragdon-ah is filled with the many dangers readers have now come to expect. A peaceful, sightseeing adventure across the ocean wouldn’t quite match the world that is Kragdon-ah.

Prince of Kragdon-ah focuses on the progression and resolution of the main plot without too much deviation, but shortcuts like the encounter with the white fog feel a little too contrived. The introduction of a mysterious stranger who refuses to share his story while hinting at some future encounter add to an interesting mystery that isn’t quite resolved. And this stranger’s fate only leads to more questions.

In fact, the mystery of the monks, the people from the far future whose technology made the doors possible, and Alex’s own mysterious guest add to the allure of the story. Neither Alex nor the residents of Kragdon-ah question the existence of the door, and as the residents, and perhaps the author, insist, the world is the world. Perhaps this perspective of their reality is the reason why residents of this strange future fail to advance, but that begs the question: what about the people who invented the technology that allowed for the door?

Like other books in the series, this is packed with action, suspense, thrills, and every other element that has made the series so enjoyable. The battles, the sense of impending doom, and the thrill of discovery make the series worth reading even if ultimately the result is assured—it’s the journey that counts here.

Prince of Kragdon-ah by Shawn Inmon brings to a satisfying conclusion the threat posed to Alex and his adopted home in the far future. While this book ties many of the loose ends, there still remains some questions that may perhaps be resolved in later books.

Read reviews of other fun time travel adventures.