Mists of Kragdon-ah (An Alex Hawk Time Adventure Book 6) by Shawn Inmon

A strange mist transports Alex, his people, and his ship to a faraway place that threatens to enslave them all.


  • Explanation of what happens to Alex and crew in the fog, giving readers a sense of continuity in the previous book


  • Ending seems a bit rushed especially with some characters
  • Not as much action in this story

Mists of Kragdon-ah Review

Mists of Kragdon-ah by Shawn Inmon may be the sixth book in this fun time travel adventure story, but in terms of plot, it’s situated somewhere in the middle of the plot of the fifth book, Prince of Kragdon-ah.

The beginning of the story reintroduces the mysterious fog that Alex and his crew emerge from in the previous book. Only this time, readers learn about the adventure that takes place within the fog.

The adventure makes much more clear the almost disjunctive events that take place in the previous book: the crew of the ship Senta-eh emerge from a weird fog malnourished absent some crew members and gaining two strange passengers who join Alex as though their presence among the ship’s crew was as natural as Monda-ak’s presence despite the fact that readers have no clue who these people are.

While the plot of Mists of Kragdon-ah isn’t as exciting as, say, the other stories, there are some revelations about the future, the technology, and even the doorway through which Alex and his daughters travel that make the story worthwhile.

First, more background is revealed through some characters regarding the origins of the door and the future visitors introduced in the first few books. How the doorway through time is created isn’t necessarily important—this is a work of fiction after all—but the creators of the door, as well as their backgrounds—are a bit necessary considering their presence in the first few books.

Secondly, there’s a better sense of continuity in the previous book—no longer is there a disconnect between what happens when Alex and crew enter the fog and the mysterious deaths and presence of additional characters whose presence and acceptance into the crew become a bit of a concern for readers.

Finally, more mystery is introduced regarding this far-flung future and technology that makes the doorway possible. The world Alex finds himself in is interesting, and as more information is revealed about the world, only more questions arise.

There’s a famous quote from Shakespeare’s As You Like It that goes something like, “All the world’s a stage, and all the men and women merely players” that is relevant when it comes to the land Alex and crew find themselves in. The quote becomes more apt when Alex rushes through a door during an attack only to find himself in a place Shakespeare actors would find familiar.

One character makes a comment about the world that asks readers to question the nature of reality that is reminiscent of The Matrix.

Mists of Kragdon-ah by Shawn Inmon is a fun adventure story that reveals the story that takes place during Alex’s invasion of Drakana in order to fight for the freedom of the people of Kragdon-ah. The story answers many questions that puzzled readers, giving the overall plot of the series more continuity.

Read reviews of other time-traveling adventures below.