- Mystery of the Drasin deepens
- Both ground and space combat scenes
- Exciting story and continuation of the conflict
- More questions than answers about the Drasin
The Heart of Matter Review
The Heart of Matter by Evan Currie continues the exciting action-packed conflict that the NAC colony and exploration ship Odyssey stumbles into on its first journey out of the solar system. After its first encounter with the Drasin and the Priminae, Captain Eric Weston finds himself again pushing the boundaries of Earth’s knowledge about Earth’s galactic backyard.
While the Priminae have more advanced technologies than the Terrans, their struggle and almost defeat by the Drasin show that millennia of peace and progress have made the people forget about the dangers that lurk out in the universe.
During an engagement with the Drasin, Captain Weston takes the opportunity to follow a wounded enemy ship back, and what he discovers threatens not only the Priminae, but also Earth as well. This discovery may have been a surprise to the ship crew, but it shouldn’t be for seasoned science fiction readers since the construct has been a fantasy of the genre’s fans for decades.
The story does well to advance, if only a little, the conflict between the Drasin and the Priminae. Readers learn a little more about what the Drasin are, and what little they learn only leads to more questions not only about what they are, but also their motivation for destroying worlds and civilizations.
Also introduced is the presence of the powerful computer or being that runs the Priminae society. Not much is revealed about this presence except its powerful ability regarding the electromagnetic fields surrounding people and the planet. Regardless of the paucity of details, Captain Weston’s initial fear upon meeting it should be some kind of foreshadowing of its role in the series.
The story continues with the Terrans training the Priminae on military tactics and strategies, but while they’re learning, the Drasin are also evolving their tactics. What’s interesting is why the Drasin are only adapting to the Priminae technology—they seem to be capable of so much more, yet they’re holding back. This question, and others, remain unanswered, and a few scant tantalizing details suggest some possible reasons.
Combat in this sequel is found both on the ground and in space, and both are done well, adding suspense and action. Standard military science fiction battle elements appear here: large mechs, powerful beam weapons, and power armor. So readers should have a sense of familiarity here.
The Heart of Matter by Evan Currie continues the exciting conflict between humanity, represented by the Terrans and Priminae, and the Drasin, an unknown alien force with superior technology. What Captain Weston discovers on his stealthy mission only adds to the threat the Drasin pose and raises many more questions that will hopefully be addressed in subsequent books.
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