Commodore Weston leads Earth's only fleet of ships to do battle against the Empire's much larger probing scouting fleet, but Weston must contend with strange fluctuations on the Odysseus in addition to the overwhelming...
Mash is blackmailed into becoming the Divine Visionary at a magic school in order to hide the fact that he can't use magic in a world that values people based on their magical ability.
Gabimaru and a group of vicious criminals on death row are given one chance of a full pardon if they can retrieve the elixir of life from a deadly island. But only one is allowed to return.
Legion Varus is sent to Jungle World to take it from Rigel, but the legion runs into some new, powerful crystalline enemy that threatens not only to destroy Jungle World and Rigel, but Earth and the local galaxy as well.
Pros Exciting ground and space combat against the Drasin Some revelations regarding entities like Gaia Pacing is great with plot keeping readers turning pages Cons Still frustratingly little information about the...
Pros More exciting action and dire consequences in the story Plot moves toward a consequence and a revelation that is intriguing Cons Earth’s technology seems a bit too much considering the gap in time Not much...
Captain Weston leads a diplomatic mission to the Priminae homeworld when an opportunity during a Drasin attack allows him to discover where the Drasin are coming from. And his discovery only makes the Drasin threat more...