7 Science Fiction Writers with Exciting Ground and Space Battles

Check out this list of science fiction authors that have action-packed, exciting ground and space battles!

Love science fiction books? Here’s a list authors who write fun and action-packed science fiction books that include exciting ground and space battles.

These writers and their series are listed in alphabetical order by last name. I hope you enjoy the stories as much as I have!

Jason Anspach and Nick Cole

  • Galaxy’s Edge

Galaxy’s Edge is a really fun series that follows Victory Company and its legionnaires as they fight for the Republic. Even as Victory company is later disbanded, the exploits of its members continue throughout the series.

This series has it all: massive space battles involving ships and large space stations as well as ground battles including armies and small unit tactics. Each book is filled with action that advances the plot and shows a galaxy on fire.

Jack Campbell

  • The Lost Stars
  • Beyond the Frontier
  • Tarnished Knight

Jack Campbell is a pen name used by John G. Hemry. My first encounter with Hemry’s work was The Lost Fleet series. Since then, I’ve made it a point to read every book I’ve come across written by Hemry.

The Lost Fleet is a fun military science fiction series that includes a lot of space battles. The premise is that there’s a war between two human factions: the Alliance and the Syndics.

The “lost” fleet isn’t really lost, per se. It’s an Alliance fleet that is stuck in Syndic territory after a failed attack. This fleet discovers a stasis pod containing the legendary captain, John “Black Jack” Geary, who ends up commanding the fleet.

Geary’s goal is to return the lost fleet home to the Alliance through Syndic space. He’s outnumbered, outgunned, and missing hundreds of years of military history and strategy.

There are two spin-offs from The Lost Fleet series: Beyond the Frontier and Lost Stars. Both of these series are just as fun to read and filled with action. What’s more, you’ll learn a bit about The Lost Fleet universe and characters.

Joshua Dalzelle

  • Omega Force
  • Terran Scout Fleet
  • Black Fleet Trilogy
  • Expansion Wars

The Omega Force universe is one of my favorite series on this list. The story and crew kind of remind me of the crew of Firefly. You have a mishmash of eclectic characters and personalities, and they’re all trying to carve out a living in the crowded universe.

The spin-off series, Terran Scout Fleet, also promises a lot of fun. It takes a different perspective from Omega Force, and it’s focused more on Earth and humanity rather than the antics of a small mercenary crew.

Dalzelle’s other two series are the Black Fleet trilogy and Expansion Wars. Whereas the Omega Force universe is focused on a group of people, Black Fleet and Expansion Wars deal with war between species.

It’s a separate story universe, but it’s just as fun as the other two series mentioned above. Start with Omega Force if you want some fun, lighthearted adventures and great characters.

Richard Fox, Josh Hayes, and Scott Moon

  • The Ember War Saga
  • Terran Strike Marines (also by Scott Moon)
  • Terra Nova Chronicles (also by Josh Hayes)
  • Iron Dragoons
  • The Exiled Fleet

Richard Fox is a prolific science fiction writer, and most, if not all, of his stories are solid military science fiction. You can’t go wrong if you’re a fan of ground and space battles in science fiction.

I recommend you start with The Ember War Saga, as that’s the foundation for the other spin-offs, though if you want something without a lot of baggage, give The Exiled Fleet a try.

The Ember War Saga is another one of my favorites on this list. The spin-offs are good, but you’ll want to understand the background information in order to really enjoy the other series.

What Fox does really well is to keep his readers on the edge of their seats. There’s always some kind of action going on, or there’s some sense of impending action. Fox’s writing style is also easy to read and understand.

Joe Haldeman

  • The Forever War

Haldeman’s first book, The Forever War, was published in the 1970s, but the subsequent books were published much later in the 1990s, with the latest book published in 2006.

The Forever War is a classic. It introduces a very interesting dilemma involving the consequences of faster than light travel and relativity on the soldiers returning from an intergalactic war.

The first book is my favorite in the series. I enjoyed the subsequent books, but I didn’t feel that they lived up to the first one despite their more contemporary origins.

Tori L. Harris

  • The Terran Fleet Command Saga

There’s definitely a lot of action and suspense in the Terran Fleet Command Saga by Tori L. Harris. There’s a sense of suspicion and doubt about humanity’s existence because of the presence of The Guardian.

There’s also a lot of intrigue about the politics surrounding the aliens and their motives. Humanity is barely taking its first step outside of the solar system, and it encounters aliens with far superior technologies.

The one aspect of this series that falls a little flat is the writing style. There’s a sense of properness about the military interactions that seem a bit too artificial.

B. V. Larson and David VanDyke

  • Galactic Liberation (also by David VanDyke)
  • Star Force
  • Undying Mercenaries
  • Rebel Fleet

I really enjoy Larson’s works because they’re filled with action and suspense. You know what you’re going to get when you read something written by Larson.

There’s something comforting and familiar when you’re reading a story like Undying Mercenaries. The plot devices allow Larson to recycle the adventures and shenanigans he puts his characters through.

I feel like there’s a cookie cutter that Larson uses for his stories. You’ll know what I mean when you read about James McGill in Undying Mercenaries and Leo Blake in Rebel Fleet.

Still, the various series are full of action and suspense. The writing is easy to follow, and there’s a fast pacing to the stories that will make you feel like the stories are too short.

There’s plenty of ground or space action in Larson’s works. Any of the series mentioned would be a good introduction to his style of writing.

One aspect of Larson’s writings that I didn’t like too much was the sexism and womanizing displayed by the characters. There’s at least one character in each story whose behavior and attitude toward females is worrisome and tiring.

John Scalzi

  • Old Man’s War

Old Man’s War is another one of my favorites on this list. Scalzi’s writing is enjoyable, and the action in this series is fun to read. If you read the first book and love it as I did, then you may want to pace yourself.

I went through all of the books in this series quickly, and when I was done, I felt a sense of loss, and I regretted that I devoured the books so quickly. Instead, I should have taken my time with the books to really thoroughly appreciate them.

If you’re a fan of Scalzi’s works, then check out The Interdependency, a new series that involves the fall of a galactic empire.

Obviously, there are other fantastic science fiction series out there that include even more exciting ground and space battles. Marko Kloos and Nick Webb are also on my to-read list, so if you’ve read everything by the writers above, then check out these two!

If you’re itching for a new series to enjoy right now, then you can’t really go wrong with any writer or series on this list!