Astronauts launch an expedition to an extrasolar object passing by the solar system that has the potential to change humanity's perspective on the universe.
Noah Gantx and the crew of the Kayan must find a way to save Earth, the Milky Way, and the Reach galaxies from an invasion by a powerful alien empire residing in another galaxy.
Strange Company accepts a contract to defeat the Monarchs after waking up from a 25-year journey across the stars, but this time, they're working for the people who betrayed them.
Kayan and her crew discover Dane Ryger and her secret work when they return to Earth to settle an alien race called the Jykeen and defend Earth against an invasion force.
After defending the newly established Umbria Prime colony from unknown attackers, Darius must find a way to permanently secure humanity's place among the stars.
Noah Gantz and the crew of the Kayan rush to answer a distress call from the United Earth Deep Space Exploration vessels stranded on the planet Destinia where they left the Hoyon seed world.
Pros Engaging story that expands the plot and introduces more intriguing threats Some resolution to the original plot about returning to Earth More development about the mysterious aliens Cons Not as much combat or...